Location: Kakuma, Kenya
Partner: We Share Solar
Placement: Education
Impact: 6,160 People
Every Solar Suitcase will impact 1,540 Refugees! You can fund an entire Solar Suitcase for $1,100. Upon completion of the Solar Suitcase by the STEM program at St. Louis Park Middle School STEM students, the Solar Suitcases will be quality controlled by US solar engineers and equipped for deployment to Kenya. After arrival in Nairobi, the system will be paired with a large solar panel and battery and carried by the installation team 24 hours north by car to Kakuma Refugee Camp. In the local language of Turkana, Kakuma means ‘nowhere.’ There is no grid, no access to electricity, in Kakuma. Consequently, youth are unable to prepare for the high school exam once the sun sets–severely limiting their productive day. Doing well on the Kenyan high school exam is the only ticket out of the camp and into a promising career pathway in Nairobi for tens of thousands of young refugees. By the aid of light from a We Share Solar Suitcase as The Cush School in Kakuma, a young boy named Magot Ayii scored one of the highest exam marks in 2017 and is studying to be a doctor so that he can stop all ‘the dying’ he witnessed as a boy. Through funding the deployment of Solar Suitcases, this project aims to light more schools in Kakuma like the Cush School and to launch more young people into productive lives like Magot Ayii from ‘nowhere’….who now is going somewhere. Lift Up is a Non Profit Organization where we believe every donation makes a difference, which is why we maximize your gift by making sure 100% of your donation goes to those we Lift Up. We make it easy for you to change the world, whether it be social causes, providing solar energy, or being able to donate clean water to communities that need it, we believe every project matters and strive to bring the tangible needs that are close to your heart to the light. |
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