Safe Affordable Housing For Single Moms

$5,006 of $5,000
This project is completed!
Location: Chaska, MN
Partner: Beyond New Beginnings
Placement: Housing
Impact: 4 Families

Beyond New Beginnings (BNB) Program in Chaska, MN supports and nurtures young moms and their children as they gain independence in safe, stable homes while being actively involved in the New Beginnings High School Program, post-secondary education and/or employment by empowering them to become healthy, engaged, members of a community. Moms between the ages of 18 and 26 are provided a community and low income housing as they complete their high school diploma, attend post-secondary education or pursue full time employment Affordable Family Housing – Beyond New Beginnings – Chaska MN These moms and thier children live in an apartment building in downtown Chaska with four two-bedroom apartments and a common space. The whole building was updated in 2020. The first families arrived in December 2020 and since May 2021 the building has been at full capacity, serving four families. The weekly Empowerment classes and mentor support have been ongoing since November 2020. Amazing volunteers prepare Monday night meals and help with child care. Beyond New Beginnings is committed to supporting each family for one to two years with their own, unique plan for success and independence and celebrates with them as they reach important goals.

Safety for the children living in the home.

Safe Affordable Housing For Single Moms

$5,006 of $5,000
Project Completed