Together we can Lift Up Minneapolis! We are assisting families in our neighborhood devastated by the effects of COVID-19 and the rioting, fires and destruction as a result of the reactions to the death of George Floyd. We hope to be able to provide food, personal care items and love to those in need. Our church families and neighbors have lost their local stores and shops, and many do not have autos to drive elsewhere. Currently mass transit has been halted, and they are stuck. We hope to help them by providing the things they need. Lift Up is a Non Profit Organization that believes every donation makes a difference, which is why we make sure 100% of your donation goes to help the Minneapolis Community in need. We make it easy for you to change the world, whether it be social causes, being able to donate clean water, or helping distribute food to our Minneapolis neighbors, we believe every project matters as we strive to bring the tangible needs that are close to your heart to light. Become a Lifter today! © Jeff Schad Imagery