Education in Chiang Mai to Break the Cycle of Poverty

$4,736 of $4,000
This project is completed!
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Partner: Salt & Light House
Placement: Education
Impact: 20 Kids

The Salt and Light House is a safe place for children living in extreme poverty in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These children currently have no access to school due to the buildings being shut down due to COVID-19. This project will break the cycles of poverty by giving these kids access to online school. With these funds the Salt and Light House will be able to purchase three computers, a printer, desks and headsets. This will help keep the students on track with school during the pandemic, give them a safe place to be during the day and teach them life skills they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. These youth need your help in order to receive an education that will help them break cycles of poverty.

Covid-19 has brought on many new challenges for the students that come to the Salt and Light House. Children from the community come here to get help with their English and to learn about Jesus. With Thailand schools closed, children expected to attend online school. The youth in this area do not have access to reliable WiFi or computers. Many of the youth are from single parent homes and living in extreme poverty. Thailand schools have been closed for months and it is projected that it may take until next year before things change.

These children need access to education to break the cycle of poverty!

Education in Chiang Mai to Break the Cycle of Poverty

$4,736 of $4,000
Project Completed