Dawson Springs Tornado Recovery

$9,091 of $9,000
This project is completed!
Location: Dawson Springs, Kentucky
Partner: Aerial Recovery Group
Placement: Community Development
Impact: 5,000 People

During the destructive tornadoes in the United States in early December, 85% of Dawson Springs, Kentucky was wiped out. Homes and businesses were tossed into the air, crushing the spirits of the people as things came back down. About a third of this town lives below the poverty line and it will take them longer than most to recover from this disaster. The shining star of this community is their huge community park – it’s a rallying point for the town and towns that surround it. The schools use this field for softball, baseball, basketball, school fun nights, field trips, BBQs, cross country practice, park days – the kids take so much pride in this park, always clean it and prepare it for every tournament and every gathering. Adults play slow pitch, host kid’s birthday parties, BBQs, family gatherings – you name it, its at the park. Relationships and a sense of community are built at this Dawson Springs park.


The initial money raised will go towards clay, equipment, seating, rubber mulch for the playground and new trees. It’s going to take so much to re-build this park – and it will take a few years. Let’s help jump start this process for this lovely community in desperate need of feeling like a community again!

Accelerating the re-build of this park will shine light on the community and help them re-build the rest.

Dawson Springs Tornado Recovery

$9,091 of $9,000
Project Completed